Do You Really Need a Basic Gun Safety Course?
So, you recently purchased a firearm- now what? It doesn’t matter whether or not this is the first firearm you have ever had contact with in your life or if you grew up around guns and this is the first firearm purchase you have made for yourself. Regardless, you still need to find a basic gun safety class and enroll yourself in it.
Many people out there feel that if they grew up around firearms, they know what they need to know and they don’t need a class. Well, that is like saying that because your dad let you sit on his lap and drive slow down the driveway that you are completely ready to get your driver’s license and don’t need to bother with the pesky driver’s education course.
There is always something more you can learn and there are always going to be things that you simply forgot. Plus, you may not have the same type of handgun that you grew up around. Another great feature of a basic handgun course is that it forces you to become familiar with your firearm and to become that much more comfortable with it. The safety tips that you will learn and be reminded of are invaluable as well. You will most definitely find that there will be things that you have forgotten or maybe new techniques that you never knew were even an option.
For the gun-owner that has never been around a firearm before – congratulations. You have taken the first big step with the purchase of your firearm and now it is time to take the next step by enrolling in a class. I know this can be intimidating but remember that each of the students are in there for a reason and that is because – just like you – they want to become proficientwith their firearm. It does no good to purchase a firearm and then leave it in the box for it to collect dust.
Contact us now to find out information regarding our NRA F.I.R.S.T Basic Pistol Course: